for|after|instead of分别在什么情况下用啊?希望能说多白话就说多白话,举点例子更好.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/20 14:56:33
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触发器里面for | after | instead of有啥区别呀? 创建触发器时后面跟for ,after,instead of有何区别 for|after|instead of分别在什么情况下用啊?希望能说多白话就说多白话,举点例子更好. after和instead of触发器的具体示例 we can use the Internrt instead of a library to ------ all kinds of information.find find out look for look after Shall we have some noodles ________ dumplings?A.instead B.instead for C.instead of instead 116.I’d like some Coke _____orange juice.A.instead B.instead of C.instead to D.instead for 英语翻译after a season heavy on foreign imports,it looked for much of the summer as though the cba would focus instead on local talent.fortunately for everyone involved,its being forced to double down instead. After school he did not go home .Instead he went to piay computer games 可以把Instead 改成 Instead of instead of looking for the knowlege we do have这里为什么用instead of而不用instead instead of but not rather than 而不是instead of,but not,rather than 都含有“而不是”的意思,用法不同,区别 After the earthquake,he left for Wenchuan as a volunteer _________ a tourist.这里填什么,只能是instead of (提供 Why not order some flowers online ----for the shop everywhere?A instead of looking B instead look C instead looking kan have a cup of tea { } coffee if you want.A drink B instead C instead of D instead in 要求选出答案 和理由 为什么这么填 2.My father is coming back { } a week .A in B on C after D for 理由同上 instead与instead of区别, the fruit of the fresh 原句:After that she told me a story about a brave person who had despised the fruits of the flesh and worked for the Lord instead he plans to go to c________ instead of finding a job after he leaves high school Your body,and stomach _______,will be very grateful if you just sit down for a moment instead of rushing around after secret total general particular 英语翻译Fourth ours watching Miss Hall sing and dance $3,with this note :After p.m,I get fifteen shillings an hour for my work instead of ten shillings