请问老师we make positive and negative sentences.中的positiveand negative是什么意思

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 12:46:56
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请问老师we make positive and negative sentences.中的positiveand negative是什么意思 make positive statements翻译 What's more,it's very helpful for us to take a positive attitude to life that we can make our school life valuable and meaningful.老师说在that前加so,那把very改成so不行吗? What's more,it's very helpful for us to take a positive attitude to life that we can make our school life valuable and meaningful.老师说在that前加so,那把very改成so不行吗? A real estate recruiter we worked with illustrates the positive difference such training can make.怎么翻译 we make positive and negative sentences using the verb to bein the simple present tense like this帮忙翻译下~~~~~~ positive positive! positive positive 英语语法问题.分析句子结构.A real estate recruiter we worked with illustrates the positive difference such training can make.we worke with在什么成分?是定语?是不是个主语从句? such triaining can make ?分析一下句子成分 请问“We'll make it work for us.”怎么翻译? We make him our teacher.请问这个句子正确吗? The future doesn't make us, but we make it请问这句话是什么意思 We should think of a problem in a positive way.对 in a positive way提问 高中语法老师,请进.1.We should read such books ___ will make us better and wiser.这句话的关联词答案上都是as,请问老师为什么?请问可以用which吗?请问这是什么语法点?请问重点解释为什么不能用which 请问make 请问:make