____she or you gong to Beijing next week ?A. Is B. Are C. were D. being 答案是A ,为什么?求解释.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/02 14:19:26
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____she or you gong to Beijing next week ?A. Is B. Are C. were D. being 答案是A ,为什么?求解释. 翻译:what are you gong to do? Sandy! Where have you gong?改错 急 翻译:what are you gong to do this afternoon?I'm gong to the great wall Come back when you have finished the Biker gong missions _______ What are you gong to do,Emma? 7道英语句子将以下直接引语改成间接引语1.Tom asked his mum:“ Did you take my computer to your room yesterday or the day before yesterday?”2. My desk mate asked:“Are you gong to have a picnic or watch movies with us next week? you mei you san ban dao de gong chang?8xiao shi what do you want to do what are you gong to do一不一样 gong是什么意思 evering gong 办 gong -Your sister dislikes milk,____she?-Yes.A.do you B.don't you C.does she D.doesn't she zhong guo ren zai han guo wu gong de gong zi zhi du he bao zhangwo shi yi ming zheng zai han guo wu gong de zhong guo ren !han guo lao ban shuo ta men mei you jie ri san bei gong zi de shuo fa !er qie wo mei you he han guo ren yi yang de gong zi dai da gong ji ,you li mao,jian le tai yang jiu wen hao.tai yang gong gong mi mi xiao,jiang ta yi ding da hong mao.找出儿歌中含有复韵母的音节 She is gong to write for a magazine for__?She is gong to write for a magazine for__?A.a or two years B.a year and two C.a year or two D.one and two years 谢 ____she to see you,he'd be suprisedA was B were C be D is原因是 Come back when you have finished the Biker gong missions.快回答