I do not take the well-being of other people go,I do not take away other peoples well-being.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/06 11:05:42
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I always take the initiative,you always do not care,I still take the initiative,you still do not I do not take the well-being of other people go,I do not take away other peoples well-being. I will take it.Do you have the book My father? Wait for( )little( ).Sorry,we have not one. People do not make me,I do not prisoners,if we are attacked,I will commit the I want to take a nap so do not disturb for the next half hour. I always take the initiative,you always do not care,I still take the initiative,you still do not care,you do not care in return was my initiative,my own initiative and in return what is it?I was I think that we have not saved.I think that we have not saved.Therefore,we do the same?Do you think so? I have seen you around the office,but I do not think we are met.翻译 I do not care where we I do not have the I do not have the 求高人翻译英文信Hi,I hope that you are alright. To be honest with you, I do not want to be the cause of you not being able to take care of yourself. We all know we're both no longer kids. I hope that we can remain friends. All this long d 找一首歌,里面有do do bi do bi do i just want fly里面有i just want fly do do bi do bi do want to the sky take me to the sky we just fly Why do I always take the initiative . am sorry,I did not mean to do so!The reality is not what we wish!,I do not want to continue to I do not know if his uncle ( ).I think he ( )if it does not rain.If she isn't free tomorrow ,she ( )(not take) part in the party. Sometimes,we do not have enough time to read all the news carefully,so we just have to take aquick look at the front p____. Sometimes we do not have enough time to read all the news c_ and we just take a q_ look at the