I often feel guilty just sitting around中guilty是形容词吗?那它又怎么作 sitting around的主语呢?请帮我分析一下这个句子?怎么翻译?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/10 09:32:04
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I kinda feel guilty. I feel guilty to ..I feel nervous to.I feel disappointed to ..I feel.s i am guilty和i feel guilty这两个有没什么区别 I often feel guilty just sitting around中guilty是形容词吗?那它又怎么作 sitting around的主语呢?请帮我分析一下这个句子?怎么翻译? i feel very guilty,because i hate others sometimes,what should i do? (That girl,I just want to say:I never feel guilty about you.) I have already known how guilty cheating makes me feel.帮我翻译一下. 这个句子对吗?I feel lots of guilty.lots of 能像这个句子一样表示消极含义吗? even really honest people are often made to feel guilty.请问这里be made to是词组还是什么,怎么翻译 When I do something bad I often feel g___. guilty 英语翻译I love my parents,but I feel very guilty to my family because I spent lots of money on my college study . I am guilty,I am a jerk often后可以直接加动词原形么比如often feel I have grown up可以么often feel I have grown up 可以么 1.She waved to the bride before talking her seat at the back of the church.Before she ____________________________________.2.I feel very guilty ,because I have not written to you for quite a long time.( I feel very guilty about ) ____________________ I will never do anything guilty. I feel a little guilty about it,because there were times when I gave her attention only for the purose of making her love me even more.求翻译 语法even more 是修饰哪部分的? I feel