.there had never been any sounds like that.请问had been 怎么讲啊.被动语态吗》?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/10 01:36:45
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We had never been there before翻译 There is a bee in our classroom 请教两个SAT语法题~1 (If there had been) a power failure,the hospital will run on electricity from its own generators,which can operate for 200 hours.A If there had beenB If there wereC Had there beenD Should there beE There has been这几个 几道SAT语法题1.(If there had been) a power failure,the hospital will run on electricity from its own generators,which can operate for 200 hours.A.If there had beenB.If there wereC.Had there beenD.Should there beE.There has been为什么选D?而 i had never had it The bee was there a moment ago.(改成一般疑问句) ( )the bee (   )now? There are many different varieties of bee.句子中的bee为什么不用变成复数? There are many varieties of bee.请问bee为什么不加-s tree----bee----there's a bee in the tree.照样子写几个,如shirt--- in class ,i learned that there had never been a nobel prize winner from china翻译 I‘ll never forget my stay there ( ) I had a good time. 用when还是where He went to London two days ______.He had never been there ______选什么 .there had never been any sounds like that.请问had been 怎么讲啊.被动语态吗》? There is a bee on the board.翻译 The bee was there a momeht ago.(改成一般疑问句)The bee was there a momeht ago.(改成一般疑问句)------the bee--------now? 连词成句 bee,on,board,the,There,is,a( .)There is a bee on the board. 请问句中的 there had never 是完成时态还是什么?a new listener in 1967 might well feel that there had never been any sounds like that in the world before.为什么要用might? 托福tpo文章中的一句话.这篇文章来源于地中海地址历史的问题.关于这句,由于语序倒装了,不能很好的理解,望解答.hese structures had been detected years earlier by echo-sounding instruments, but they had never bee