of the same age as i什么意思

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/03 15:29:04
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of the same age as i什么意思 I am of the same age as you.这句话of起什么作用? i'm (of)the same age (as) 特别是括号里的 I am the same age as ...句子对吗?谢谢I am the same age as you , / yours I am of the same age as you / yours.I have the same age as you / yours1 以上三个个句子,那个才是对的呢? 我觉得前两句正确,第三句不确定 I am ( o people of the same age as you (a noun) I have the same age as him还是he?I have the same age as he does又是什么意思 英语翻译如果用 the same as 的话,I am the same age as you / yours my cousin is the same age as me. 是不是就等同于 my cousin is the same age as i am I am of the same age 后面用 as 还是with I am of the same age as / with you / yours请问:1 这句话后面应该用 as ,还是with,用 you 还是 yours.I have the same pen as yours.,类似的 这里也是 age 的对比.是不是应该是yours the same age as等于什么 are you the same age as jim? the same age as同义短语 He has the same age as me还是He is the same age as me 翻意成中文;she is the same age as I ,but we are in different classes. 把He is the same age as I改为同义句用英语怎摸说 I am the same age as yours/you是 yours 还是your He and I are the same age. I am the same age as you ,/ yours 选哪个?I am the same age as you ,/ yoursI am the same weight as you ./ yoursI am the same height as you ./ yours这三个句子 用 you ,还是 yours I have the same pen as yours.这个虽然用个是 yours,但我