sth is that +从句是不是宾语从句,为什么?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 21:28:53
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sth is that +从句是不是宾语从句,为什么? The teacher says that he is very beautifu.是不是宾语从句 that引导的宾语从句是不是就是同位语从句? 有Sb find it is adj to do sth 的句型么把it is adj to do sth 看作find 引导的宾语从句 如 Sb find <that>it is adj to do sth在这个句型中that 后面作宾语 that省略可以么?Sb find <that>it is adj to do sth 中的that到 I find that it is great to do sth这句型对吗?需不需要that?我觉得是宾语从句 that可要可不要请说明原因! He is not going to do what other people will是不是 这个宾语从句就是 sth ,如果不是那么 这里 sth是谁啊 从句的 主谓宾语 分别都是什么 定语从句物作宾语是不是填which或that比如This is the pen__she bought yesterday. is this the man that you want to have repair the radio for me定语从句中want 是谓语,to do sth 是宾语 have 后又接宾语 怎么有两个宾语? She finds that it is impossible to do sth和 She finds it impossible to do sth一样的是吗?我知道第一句是that引导的宾语从句,that在从句中不作成分那是不是可以省略?省略后不是比后一句多一个is吗?it是作宾语 it is said that为什么不是宾语从句 advise do sth 和 advise+that 宾语从句 表达的意思一样吗 宾语从句中的主语可以用that来连接吗.就是说that是不是只能当宾语从句的连接词 请教that引导的从句,是不是that引导宾语从句 主语从句 同位语 表语从句,从句部分成分不缺?那that引导状语从句是不是从句部分也不缺成分,有一个例子 He is so clever that we all like him.如果是as,还 it 作形式宾语是不是只能替代that引导的宾语从句 请问是I find it difficult to do sth还是I find it is difficult to do sth?如果后句是省略了that的宾语从句好像也说得通. The way that you speak to your teacher is right for you.在这个定语从句中that是不是作宾语 The book that you gave me is very interesting.这句that是不是在从句中做宾语啊 you gave me the book 这是不是属于tell sb sth ,双宾语?Can you tell me how I can get there?这里 我记得看过词典上写的是,me 后面是个省略了that 的宾语从句,但这个句型是不是 属于 tell sb sth.tell sb sth 可以改写为 tell sth to sb.