said to sb 要变成told sb 直接引语,变间接的时候?Marry said to me ," I saw the movie.直接引语Marry told me that She had seen the movie.间接引语一本书上看到的.是不是必须把said to 换成told2.他说他没钱 如果是

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/01 12:58:32
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间接引语中为什么said to sb 要变成told sb 不是都一个意思吗? said to sb和told to sb的区别 间接引语中为什么said to sb 要变成told sb.i don't like this mirror,jim said to her boyfriend.jim told her boy friend that she didn't like that mirror.Tom said to me,“My brother is doing his homework.” →Tom said to me that his brother 间接引语中为什么said to sb 要变成told sb.i don't like this mirror,jim said to her boyfriend.jim told her boy friend that she didn't like that mirror.Tom said to me,“My brother is doing his homework.” →Tom said to me that his brother said to sb 要变成told sb 直接引语,变间接的时候?Marry said to me , I saw the movie.直接引语Marry told me that She had seen the movie.间接引语一本书上看到的.是不是必须把said to 换成told2.他说他没钱 如果是 直接引语变间接引语时said to要变成asked,但如果是told要怎么变呢? told do sth. tell/ask sb.是什么结构e.g The policeman said to me,Be careful of the car.-------The policeman told me to be careful of the car.由此句可知,当要转述的是表示肯定意义的祈使句时,变成间接引语时一般可以转化为te 直接引语变间接引语中said to什么时候变成told?如果不是祈使句的话,said to可以变成told吗?我也这样想啊.可是我的英语老师说只有在祈使句中才能变成told I told her she could stay with us.That's what I _________.a)said to her b)said her c)told to her d)told为什么c不对啊what做told的宾语 I told what to her I said''Tom,sit down.'' 怎么变成间接引语 是I told Tom to sit down 还是 He(she) told Tom to sit down 问几个初一的有关英语的问题1.我知道make sth.,但如果make变成made时,后面do要不要变成did?2.是told do sth.3.当20或12变成序数词时,怎么变?4.prefer doing sth.还是prefer to do sth.还是prefer do sth.汗 是hope to do还是hope sb to do为什么选bJim's father said to him,I hope you ____what I have told you to buy.a.won't forget b.not to forget那么这个答案是措的讲清楚一点 Jok said, must finish your work .改为间接引语Jok told john he must finish your work.为什么said要改为told?用“Jok said john must.不是在said to时才改为told吗? I told her she could stay with us.That's what I _________.a)said to her b)said her c)told to her d)told给出答案并且写出原因, 词组 sb be said to do 请问直接引语变 间接引语,He said to me,I was born in 1978.He said to me 需要变成He told me 可以直接用He said to me that he was born in 1978? told to sb.还是told for sb. 两者有何区别?