一个关于虚拟语气的句子if i were a president,i will put you into a prison.这是我的一本口语书上的话,其中出现了很多类似的情况:从句用过去式,但主句用的是情态动词的现在式.好多语法书上都说只

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 03:58:59
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关于as if 的虚拟语气as if 虚拟语气中的be 动词一定要用were 关于虚拟语气的句子辨析.请看下面三组句子:1.If I have money,I will buy a car.If I could have money,I would buy a car.2.If I am rich,I will help you.If I were rich,I would help you.3.If I have time tomorrow,I will go.If I should hav if i were you i would go there虚拟语气的倒帐形式 If I were a teacher要虚拟语气求作文。。。 虚拟语气中为什么要用if I were you if i were you 为什么用虚拟语气 省略if的虚拟语气if i were a bird可以省略成were i a bird吗 虚拟语气 If i were you,那“如果我是他”呢,是不是If i was he,虚拟语气的从句的谓语怎么用 使用虚拟语气写一篇 if i were you 的作文 英语虚拟语气的问题If I were you,I ____(go) abroad to study English.句子后面的时态应该是什么? if的虚拟语气 一个关于虚拟语气的句子if i were a president,i will put you into a prison.这是我的一本口语书上的话,其中出现了很多类似的情况:从句用过去式,但主句用的是情态动词的现在式.好多语法书上都说只 关于句子结构和虚拟语气的问题The atomic structure is,___________ ,a miniature solar sysstem.a.as it were b.as if they were c.as if it were .d as if are请问:1请分析一下句子结构.2.这句话是不是虚拟语气? 这是as if 的虚拟语气么?这两个句子哪个正确?Thus I closed my eyes,as if I were to sleep.Thus I closed my eyes,as if I had slept. 一个句子的疑惑...Buildings begin to look less somber,as if they were stirring out of sleep.这句是虚拟语气吗? 有关虚拟语气的一个句子If you were bigger you'd hit me.为什么后面不用 you would hit me还有 hit 在这里是不是过去分词? 关于虚拟语气中was和were的用法两个句子:1.It seemed as if the world was at an end.2.If he were here,everything would be all right.可以确定两个句子都准确无误,第一句取自教科书.所以,虚拟语气中was 和were的用 英语造句…,虚拟语气…,懂的来…,要五句,If I were a.,I would.