He did it one—third the time it took me one—third是前位限定词 the是中位定词什么是前位限定词 什么是中位限定词 为什么是the a 有什么区别 这里是什么用法?This rule will apply to everyone who applies for this

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/10 06:29:04
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9.He did it ____ it took me.(2003北京)9.He did it ____ it took me.(2003北京)A.one-third a time B.one-third time C.the one-third time D.one-third the time He did it in one-third the time it took me.怎么翻译 He did it one-third time it took meis this sentence right? he did it one-third the time it took me怎么理解?he did it one-third the time it took me的one-third the time怎么理解?为什么one-third 在前面而the time在后面?为什么one-third 在前面而the time在后面? 一道英语选择题,请说明原因He did it ______it took me.A.one-third a time B.one-third timeC.the one-third time D.one-third the time He did it ( )it took me.A.one-third a time B.oneHe did it ( )it took me.A.one-third a time B.one-third timeC.the one-third time D.one-third the time 选什么?为什么!详解, 这个呢 He did it one-third the time it took me我的一个外国朋友说应该是He did it in one-third of the time it took me . He did it one -third the time it tookHe did it one -third the time it took me.为什么要加the.什么情况先行词一定使要加the 英语题详讲1He did it()it took me Aone-third a time Bone-third timeCthe one-third timeDone-third the time 2.(While)I really don't like art,I find this work impressive第二题翻译 Though it is a challenging job ,he did it 【 】 it took me A one-third a time B one-third the time请问选什么?以及为什么选他 还有这题是考察什么的? 请教一道初中英语数词练习题He did it ( ) it took me.A.one-third a time B.one-third timeC.the one-third time D.one-third the time答案上说是D.我不知道是为什么恳请高手指教. 高中英语单选题讲解!【3】He did the demanding experiment ______ it took me.A one-third a time B one-third time C the one-third time D one-third the time标答D[这句话是啥意思没懂啊... 还有关于这个“几分之几”结 求高手指导几道英语选择题...关于数词部分的He did it ____ which took me.A one-third a time B one-third time C the one-third time D one-third the time答案是D饿...可是我对这个真是一点头绪都没有,根部不知道考的 He did it one—third the time it took me one—third是前位限定词 the是中位定词什么是前位限定词 什么是中位限定词 为什么是the a 有什么区别 这里是什么用法?This rule will apply to everyone who applies for this the one-third time and one-third and timehe did it ____it took me .为什么the one-third time不得呢?who can tell me 求下面这句话的翻译,谢bJack bought a new Iphone 5 the other day,Did he , that's his third one in just one month翻译, He did it_____it took meA.one-third a time B.one-third time C.the one-third time D.one-third the time 不太明白答案的意思.The house rent is expensive.I've got about half the space I had at home and I'm paying______here.A.as three times much B he just did it