He sat there,waited for by his mother 这里的wait为什么要用ed形式 光读出来可以判断吗

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 08:03:50
xM P iP|aJTg 5I?yi|GFd"S:FR u$[H?l>.oǫ IFr:67@q`qNFO!1C_6U :*^b!$B"WHw1=Nm8ʪҁeNg34W͐9DA%GWoh@lV}S
he was sat there He sat there,waited for by his mother 这里的wait为什么要用ed形式 光读出来可以判断吗 He sat there,thinking.对吗. boiled water 是指开水 boiling water是指沸水,是不是boiled表示动作已经完成但 He sat there,waiting for his mother,这里为什么要用waiting 动作不是已经完成了吗 不是应该用waited吗 英语翻译Buried in thought,he sat there. 3.He sat there.He said nothing.(同义句) He sat there ___ ___ _____. 英语翻译One evening Mr White took his daughter to a restaurant.They sat down,and there were a lot of people in the restaurant.They waited and waited,but no waiters came to their table.Mr White said,“I’m hungry.I can’t waitany loger.” He t He couldn't be there at that time because I waited for him all day. 英语翻译One Monday Jack went into a small restaurant and sat down at a table.He waited and when a young waitress came to him,he asked for some vegetable soup.The waitress wrote this down in a notebook and walked off.There were a lot of people in He sat there for a long time w___ doing anything T______the exam,he sat there without writing a single word. he sat there and didn't do everthing?找出错误 He sat there,( )for his son A waiting B waited C to wait Dwait 选什么吖 还有一句My mum was in her room,( )in her experiment A absorb B absorbed C absorbing D to absorb 选什么 There is nothing to do but ______ till he comes back. A:wait B:to wait C:waited D:waiting hurry up jeff has arrived there don't worry he won't mind__for usa;to waitb;waitc;a thed;waited He sat there,reading a newspaper.中的 there和reading a newspaper Long,long ago there lived a king.He loved horses.One day he asked an artist to draw him a beautiful horse.The artist said,All right,but you must wait. So the king waited.He waited and waited.At last,after a year he could not wait any longer.He went Once upon a time,there lived a king.He loved horses.One day he asked an artist to draw him a beautiful horse.The artist said,All right,but you must wait. So the king waited.He waited and waited.At last,after a year he could not wait any longer.He w