谁能帮我看看这个句子中的that指代的是什么?The clone detected a mRNA on northern blots of FVA cells that was of the same size and expressed in the same way as the one identified with both the DDRT-PCR and 5′-RACE generated LEB-1 clo

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 01:35:45
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谁能帮我看看这个句子中的that指代的是什么?The clone detected a mRNA on northern blots of FVA cells that was of the same size and expressed in the same way as the one identified with both the DDRT-PCR and 5′-RACE generated LEB-1 clo 帮忙看看这个句子中that 是指代意义吗,如是,指代什么With the exception of a few celebrities like Oprah,even the most influential members of a population simply don`t interact with that many others. 解释一下这个句子的结构It worries me the way he solved this problem.这句中的It是形式主语没有问题,可是它指代的真正主语只是一个词way?我记得好像It做形式主语应该指代短语或者句子的.那个高手解 与come about 有关how did it come about that such an unexpected event had happened?这个句子怎么理解啊.翻译成什么,句子中的it应该是指代后面的THAT从句, 英语语法~关于代词指代对象~The labor union is negotiating a contract with the hospital (that) will satisfy the demands of the workers and be acceptable to all levels of management.为什么这个句子中的 that 可以指代contract 而 求 指示代词that在比较的句子里指代可数名词单数的例句不是说that可以指代不可数名词和可数名词单数吗?可数名词复数是由什么指代的? this film is not as good as that (which) we saw yesterday.这个句子正确不?我的理解是:that相当于the one,指代the film,同时做先行词;which做关系代词做宾语并省略.不知能否这样理解 一个以that开头的疑问句,请大家帮我看看句子是: that the evidence was inconclusive ,the science uncertain?恩,这个句子让我有点糊涂了,难道that也可以作为疑问代词出现吗?我记得有这样的句子,more effort,mo 帮我看看这个句子的语法She looked around this way and that in a dubious manner.中间的and that 在里面充当什么,可以去掉吗? 非限制性定语从句中“.,which.”这样的结构中的which所指代的一定是前面整个句子吗?或者也可以是指代前面句子中的某一成分? that可以指代句子前面出现过的复数名词么?还是只能指代单数名词?如题. one,that,it在指代前面的词汇、短语、句子,以避免重复时,分别指代什么? 高中英语语法,非谓语动词帮忙分析一下这个句子的成分(比如说being made to do做什么成分,it指代什么,so that是什么词性之类),书上说这是强调句型,(但我有点疑问)因为不是说假如是强调句式 it指代的到底是什么啊?就是这个句子:A decision-making worksheet begins with a succinct statement of the problem that will also help to narrow it.为什么不指代statement?succinct statment of the problem,究竟是of前是主语还是 英语中物主代词指代是就近原则吗?这个句子中大写的THEIR指代是什么?In a recent study,Hyung et al.(8) reported that natural organic matters in aquatic systems can interact strongly with carbon nanotubes and thus greatly enhance It was getting colder and colder这个句子前面是句型吗,前面没有话了,IT指代的是什么 We couldn't work it out .里的it指代什么?是work吗?请翻译一下这个句子 英语从句用法He has made it clear that he would not change his mind.这个句子是什么从句?主谓宾分别是什么?it 指代的是什么?