英语七上问题用across和through填空(1)The hunter went( ) the forest and caught the bear(2)I went ( )the bridge to the parlc(3) the man is brave enough to swim ( )the river(4)the songhua river flows ( ) Harbin(5)Go ( )the gate and turn left,an

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/17 04:32:20
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七年级英语across from和cross from区别是什么 英语七上问题用across和through填空(1)The hunter went( ) the forest and caught the bear(2)I went ( )the bridge to the parlc(3) the man is brave enough to swim ( )the river(4)the songhua river flows ( ) Harbin(5)Go ( )the gate and turn left,an 一个英语问题:around-the-world 和across the world一个意思吧 across from和across 用英语说全世界可以用all the world和across world吗?全中国用英语说across world 要加定冠词the吗? 英语定冠词和不定冠词的问题He across the street in a city和He across a street in the city有什么区别?以及两个地方都用a和都用the.是不是要看上下文而定呀?(上文有提到street或者city,提过的用the?) 七上英语, 七上英语知识点 七上年级英语 across和through用法上的不同,和口诀 七年级上英语同义词和反义词组 上海初中七年级上英语期中试卷和答案! cross和across在用法上有区别么? 英语中across和cross 有什么区别 高三英语问题across和through的用法如题i have got tired of looking at nature ( )dusty windows这个括号里为什么填through啊 through 和across的用法要用across the forest 还是through the forest?trek across 还是trek through He is swimming across the river.用across the river提问英语句子 Walk ____ the bridge carefally.It's dangerous to run.A.through B.across C.cross D.pass已知选A,请问为什么?加上一个问题:过桥本应用through,但是为什么人们习惯上用across?