英语:He said his money already _____ _____ 是run out 还是 ran out

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/02 00:06:20
英语:He said his money already _____ _____ 是run out 还是 ran out He said that his money was -------(steal).怎么填 英语同义句转换He searched for his money.He ___ ___ for his money. The father said that his son disliked him because he didn't earn much money Robert said that his mum didn't know he had much money. He said sorry,gave him the money and then left the shop with his frend.意思 “他说他的钱是偷来的.”英语是否为“He said that his money is had by stealing.为什么“他说他的钱是偷来的.”英语是否为“He said that his money is had by stealing.为什么? 英语改错,每句一个错误1.Tom said that his grandpa had died in 1980.2.The teacher told us that the earth moved around the sun.3.He said if he has enough money,he would buy it.4.He asked Mary when she went to bed the night ago.5.He asked his m He said that his money had been stolen two days ______(A) ago(B) before并说明理由. 求句型分析.There he took what little money he had,said good-bye to his mother .这是个状语从句吗? he said he was going to visit his uncle = he said he --- --- --- visit his uncle He was never g____ with his money. He said he ()his life for his countyAgiveBgaveChad givenDwould give 摆了摆手的英语怎么说:but i have no money he said,_______(摆了摆手) he said his watch ___________ (not work) 英语完成短文He was the person in his car when a---- man rushed in carrying a gun and said,Your money,or your life? I haven,t got any money . John answered , f---- of fear. Then why are you trembling(发抖)so much? the man with gun 英语小作文帮忙检查下是否有错误.好的追加20分Believe or doubtThe author met a stranger who said his money had been stolen. He hoped the author can help him. And the author gave him some money. But some author’s friends considered 英语周报翻译 He said his mom played a lot of music around the house when he was growing up