————this your library?Yes,it is空格处填am is are

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/16 05:04:24
x){0J22*Kr2*#Su2K2lKZ.\ PH,JI*ҧ;*XS~qAb0ɮMX:]/OzlM;~|P|׳ ? P 4
—Cindy,is this your backpack?—Yes,t____ you. use your money to buy this field,变成同义句use your money —— ——this filed是什么 找出错误并改正 ——ls this your bike?——yes this is Is this your ball? 同义句is this————?---- 为空格 ( )1、Everyone _____ the interenting film Kung Fu Panda.A.see B.like C.reads D.enjoys( )2、What ______ things can you see in the picture?A.other B.anyC.others D.some( )3、—Millie,_____me that storybook,please.—Sorry,I will ____it to the librar — Is this your computer game — No,it isn't.可不可以用No,this isn't.来回答 Is this your computer?变陈述句——is——computer ————this your library?Yes,it is空格处填am is are Is this English book——(your),Dick?(适当形式填空) Please —— this pen to your friend.a.sell b.sells c.sale d.buy 用所给词的适当形式填空 Are——(this)your watches Is your pen?—Yes,it is.不能用Yes,this is. Don't forget to tell your friends about this ,will you — Yes,I will. —________?—No,he isn't.—________?—No,he isn't.A.Is that your brother B.What’s his name C.Is this boy your brother D.Is this your father Hello,This is()schoolbag.Look,this is my name.——Yeah,it is.选项:A.my B.your C.hisHello,This is( )schoolbag.Look,this is my name.——Yeah,it is. this new scarf is for your brother的同意句我要的是——a——————your brother Is this your watch?肯定回答:—————— 否定回答:—————— Is this your bedroom?______————里填什么?是yes,this is 还是no,it's not?为什么?请说清楚点