look yourJ.B is on the floor 翻译

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/05 07:54:44
look yourJ.B is on the floor 翻译 Look,Xian Ming_a yellow T-shirt.(A)is wearing (B)is putting (C)puts on (D)wear 单项选择 ____!There are some volleyballs under the desk.Can you___them?A.Look;see B.look at ;lookc.Look;Look at D.Look ;inLet's___ the football game___TV.A.watch;on B.watch;in C.look;on D.look;inEnglish is interesting,___I don't like it at first. ----look,Ann is on the playground over there.----- It______be her,because shi is still in hospitalA.may be B.mustn't C.should D.can't look!Lucy is playing table tennis with Lily on the playgroud.They____be Lucy and Lily.they havegone to Hangzhou.A.mustn't B.must C.can't Look,Xiaoming _______ a yellow T-shirt today.A.is wearing B.is putting C.puts on D.wear还有说明下原因! This book----Jane's.Look!Her name is on it .A.may be B.can't be C.must D.must be I t is interesting to look at the way () a mother cat behaves to wards her baby cat.A FORWHICH B ON WHICH c by which DINWHICH You can't ( ) your parents ferever A.decide on B.look on C.depend on D.come on ——Look,the light in the teacher's office is still on.Miss Li is working there.——Look,the light in the teacher's office is still on.Miss Li is working there.——It________ be Miss Li.She's gone to England for a short visit.A.can't B.mustn't whose bike is this?it ___ belong to Adam.Look!His bag is on it.a.must b.may c.will d.canwhose bike is this?it ___ belong to Adam.Look!His bag is on it.a.must b.may c.will d.canshe won't let her daughter ___ by the river.a.play b.plays c.to play d.pla 选择 ()1.---lOOK The light is still on in Mr .Zhang’s office.----I’m afraid选择()1.---lOOK The light is still on in Mr .Zhang’s office.----I’m afraid he ()his work yet A.doesn’t B.didn’t finish Chasn’t finished.2.---- () ---Look!Someone is cutting a tree on the moon.---It___be true,Granny.Mum says there is no air there.A.can't B.mustn't C.may D.should Please( )the backpack here.A.bring B.take C.need D.look Grandfather( )in the room but parents( ).A.is;aren't B.is;isn't C.is;are D.isn't;aren't——Where is( )table?——( )A.a;on the floor B.the;Next to the bookcaseC.第一个空格不要填;第 pleace ____ look at the blackboard. a.not b.don't to c.don't d.nothere _____ any money on the floor. a.are b.is c.isn't d.aren'tlet me help you ___ the box.a.to finds. b.to see c.look d.findi can't speak _____ look!() eraser is on the desk,whose is it?A .A B.An C .The D./ he is fifty ,but he doesn't _____ it .A,look as it .B.look at it C.look it .D.look him Don't look down on a person