The paper is make of tree .怎么搞的,纸已经造好了,怎么还用一般式啊那如果说纸张被美国造出来了 用过去式吗

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 08:12:16
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What is the paper A.make of B.make from C.made for D.made from快 The paper is made__wood (of/from) Who is the inventor of paper? The plates are( )(make)of paper Make the papers Make the papers24.The teacher is making_____ of the students.A.a paper B.a piece of paper C.the papers D.some pieces of paper正确答案是C关键短语翻译 make the papers of the students We should use the things _______ of paper.A.make make c.made D.making 这题答案是C 为什么made前没有is呢? The paper is one of the greatest ( )in the world The following table shows·········The following table shows what is needed to make one ton of ordinaiy paper and one ton of stone paper.请快速解决. what is most of the paper we uesd made from The paper is made of wood 这句话怎样改正? who is the inventor of paper的同义句 请问在That is the factory _____ is used to make paper .中可不可以填that Nancy is a smart girl,she can make lots of things ()only paper The Paper House is an actual house mabe of paper .It is rockport masschusetts,the USA.谢有追财 英语翻译Answer:According to the Technical Association for Pulp and Paper Industry (TAPPI),and the American Forest & Paper Association only about one-third of the fiber used to make paper in the from whole trees.only trees smaller than 8 The plat is ___ of clay.(make) We should use the things _______ of paper.A.make make c.made D.making 选哪个?为什么? The best way___(learn)wocabulary is to write them on pieces of paper.Wha __(make)you shy?Try to make friends and __(show)them around your town.用所给词的适当形式填空,