请问这个“a relevance theoritic approach to translation”词组怎么翻译?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/06 09:49:55
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请问这个“a relevance theoritic approach to translation”词组怎么翻译? 谁能帮我翻译一下这个短语“The Relevance of The Value Relevance Literature ” 请问 practical relevance是什么意思 英语翻译Using relevant examples discuss the relevance of consumer pressure on the development of environmental policy in Businesses and/or Government level.请问这个relevance of consumer pressure 我是指有没有什么学术名词 英语翻译there was much talk about the continued relevance of the G8 - a group originally established in 1975 to include then the world's six most developed economies.我只想知道continued relevance是什么意思?relevance不是相关性吗? 英语翻译人工人工人工!The fundamental assumption of relevance theory is that every aspect of humancommunication and cognition is governed by the search for relevance.Every utterance starts out as a request for the addressee's attention and a 英语翻译The notion of relevance is central to many theoretical and practicalinformation retrieval models.Traditional retrieval models assumethat the relevance of a document is independent of the relevanceof other documents.This makes it possible 英语翻译The school shooting triggered a barrage of transparently irrelevant proposed solutions,tossed out without regard to their relevance to the events that supposedly occassioned the proposals. the rise and fall of relevance debates中文翻译 英语翻译Given the importance of services in explaining the recent evolution of CO2 emissions and considering the perspective ofthe growing importance of the sector,a detailed analysis of the sector is of major relevance; an analysis studying the 英语翻译Given the importance of services in explaining the recent evolution of CO2 emissions and considering the perspective ofthe growing importance of the sector,a detailed analysis of the sector is of major relevance; an analysis studying the cost plus pricing:is it loosing its relevance 意思是什么,这个是论文题目,研究方向应该是哪啊,is it loosing its relevance 这个具体指的是什么啊,loose relevance 英语翻译According to Sperber and Wilson (1986,1995),the central factor that makes communication succeed is the pursuit of optimal relevance on the part of both the communicator and addressee.An utterance is optimally relevant (a) when it enables 英语翻译There are a number of critical elements in the traditional communication model.Choose a single element and analyze the relevance of your choice to the entire process.Ensure that you examine your choice in light of theorists studied. 帮我分析一下下面这句英语,You should have a design goal to reduce the relevance of thecalling user the further an activity is from the user interface. 英语翻译As to local coherence,if a funny soundtrack or laughing are added to thevideo,the local coherence moves in the direction of simple enjoyment,rather thanscience or accusation.Finally,thematic coherence is the relevance of certain themes:if 英语翻译不好意思是这句:This statement,however,is given in the event that it may be of relevance should authorities of the country concerned be prepared to consider a waiver of production of the requested certificate. 英译汉(要求语句通顺)We proposed online-learning algorithms for learning diver- sity in rankings.The proposed algorithms balance diversity and relevance by modeling the utility of the ranking as a submodular function.Using plausible user