He didn't play the piano ------his sister.A.as beautiful asB.so beautiful asC.so beautifully asD.as more beautiful asAB哪错了

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 10:37:12
x)HUHLS/Q(IT(HU(LWb"=GbҒ̴b'|gJ HSn~Q*BGW2ɮ6"}V(sX0H/$EX8_OhI=`O?ٽOx W<_Ɏhx`;Xmf WtGӓ^.Y-:OwMyld{]tOݳE/:ut/.H̳mK
He didn't play basketball.Instead,he went to the movies.合并为一句话 he didn't play much attention to what the librarian had said请帮忙回答 He must have watched the TV play the other day,A mustn't B didn't he C haven't he D did he翻译疑问句 He didn't join the P.E club yesterday.because he _____(fall) ill. i told you he couldn't play the violin,A.did i B.didn't i C couldn't he D.could he为什么不选D I didn't play Didn't play enough Jack can p;ay the piano and he can't play it well.修改病句 They didn't play soccer because the bad weather. he ___tobed until the tv play _over last night a doesn't go is b went was c didn't went is ddidn't would you plase tell me--------A when he has come backBwhere he would play footballC if she had seen the filmD why she didn't watch the match He can't play the piano.是什么意思 his mother told him not to play football in the street,----------?A、did he B、didn't hehis mother told him not to play football in the street,----------?A、did he B、didn't she C、didn't he D、did she would you please tell me__?A.where he would play football B.why he didn't watch the game 选B为什么不选A The boy felt unhappy because he was not allowed to play computer games,____he? A.did B.didn't C.wasD.wasn't选( ),为什么? 初中九年级英语问题同义句It seemed that he didn't have any interest in collecting stampHe seemed-------- ----------- -----------interest in collecting stamp 2.John read in the library yesterday,He didn't play basketball yesterday he didn't go to play basketball because he studied for math e____ yesterday afternoon he is even (luck),he didn't pass the exam.