10.________,work songs often exhibit the song culture of a people in a fundamental form.A.They occur where they are B.Occurring where  C.Where they occur D.Where do they occur为什么选他

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/06 12:18:51
xݑJ@_e Lu ZnSL3!MbqaEZ(bPDB "i2$u+xr-qՅ,|(nn j:V-#reBBd[l@I Ru^jD$ UY[xO!'ʲmBɊ6ލ$8.mPPOXbX6 &#c=AIK^U(yx|腷  ڼ$N?t[{P7!˽+{ba>,sEGIEqJBݐbf\9}YK{z|>I7$W~`
12.He and his wife are of the same ________,they both want their son to go to college.A.soul B.spirit C.hand out D.work out请说明为什么 I found him ________(look)for his son. the old man has two children, a son a ________ You should work ________(hard) than before. They have ________(little) work to do. jim ____ finished his work,________. She can for her son so hard,I have to work hard for my son 需要很准确的解释 ________ ________ ________(骑自行车)to work is good for our health,I think. he stopped smoking befor he told his son to stop it.=he stopped smoking ________ ________ his son to stop it. Do you help your parents do ________?Mrs Green and her family have their _________ house It is very big,so _________have a lot of work to do.Mrs Green asks her children to ____her.Her daughter keeps the house _______and tidy.Her son cooks meals for t Do you help your parents do ________?Mrs Green and her family have their _________ house It is very big,so _________have a lot of work to do.Mrs Green asks her children to ____her.Her daughter keeps the house _______and tidy.Her son cooks meals for t 1.---What can I do for you?---I'd like to buy a present for my son,______at a proper price but of great use.A one B the one C which D that2.Progress so far has been very good.We are ,________,confident that the work will be completed on time.A.howeve She tells her son to have his hair ________(cut).要翻译哦 She tells her son to have his hair ________(cut).要翻译哦 They all spoke ________(high) of the little girl who saved the son of the Wh Mrs Smith helps her son find____.A.a work B.works C.job D.a job Please b__me-your son.I will t___my best to work hard at English. They ____busy with their work and have to ___ their son at home by___