Sally and Tony usually go _____at six.A.home B.their homes home

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/10 20:18:28
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T_____are Tony and Sally.横线上填什么 Tony and Sally are in different classes 同义句转换 1 The books on the chair ____Millie‘s,right?A is B they’re C it's D are2 Who's Mr Brown?He's ______father.A Tony and Sally B Tony's and Sally 's C Tony and Sally's D Tony ,Sally 's 3 There are sixteen boys and fourteen girls in my class(同义句 Sally and Tony usually go _____at six.A.home B.their homes home A:( )are not here?B:Sally nd Tony. 间接引语变直接引语1.Mrs Styles asked Sally if she coule help her.Mrs Styles asked Sally,“____________________”2.Mrs Styles told Sally to get some rest and get better soon.Mrs Styles said to Sally,“____________________”3.Tony told his Tony and I____Chinese Jim and Sally are c____ John and Sally are c_____ Tony and I ( ) good friends ____are good students.a.I and Tony b.Tony and I c.Me and Tony d.Tony and Me 根据表格信息,回答下列问题Mary:likes:hamburgers,ice creamdoesn't like:broccoli,salsd,orangesTony:likes:eggs,bananas,tomatoesdoesn't like:hamburgers,French friesSally:likes:salad,bananas doesn't like:tomatoes,oranges1.Do Tony and sally li sally 一篇英语完型填空,帮帮忙啊!急~~~~~~Tony had an unpleasant trip last timewhen he went to his hometown by train. Tony got on the train and b________ his one-hour trip. He found the moving faster than usual. He was g________ because he would Sally and Rick () john is friends -------- bedroom is very big.A Tom and Tony B Tom's and Tony's C Tom's and Tony D Tom and Tony's Tony is tow sisters and three brothers. Mary and Tony are [ ](me)good friends