be surrounded by?为什么不加beThen I found myself surrounded by half a dozen boys.为什么不是Be surrounded

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/11 08:25:13
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be surrounded by?为什么不加beThen I found myself surrounded by half a dozen boys.为什么不是Be surrounded be surrounded by/ with区别 she said that she wanted to die surrounded by the people she loves不是应该是 be surrounded by 为什么die 后面直接接surrounded by 了呢? a city surrounded by suburbs这个短语好像把be动词is省略了,为什么可以这样?为什么不说a city is surrounded by suburbs? be surrounded be surrounded be located between与be surrounded by的区别. ______ by the enemy,they had to surrender.A.Surrounded B.Surrounding C.To be surrounded D.Being surrounded 解释下为什么不能选D?难道不能是正在被包围 高一英语the star found himself ___(surround) by the fans如何做?the star found himself to be surrounded by the fans为什么不用found himself being surrounded by the fans呢? 16.The teacher stood there,_____ by a group of people.A:surrounded B:having been surrounded C:being surrounded D:to be surrounded The teacher stood there,_____ by a group of people.A:surrounded B:having been surrounded C:being surrounded D:to be surrounded When I went into the room,I saw Tim sitting on the floor surrounded by boxes,从句里为什么没有be为什么sitting前没有be动词? I am surrounded by 英语:请从语法角度解释这个句子surrounded的用法,为什么前面不用be动词People say it is Canada's most beautiful city,surrounded by mountains and the Pacific Ocean. Then I found myself surrounded by the boys.这句话对吗?其中surrounded前边不用加be吗?谢谢! ________ by the police, the kidnappers had no choice but to surrender.A. Surrounded B. Surrounding C. having surrounded D. To be surrounded he woke up to find himself surrounded by crowds of little man.这句话是被动句嘛...surrouned前为什么没有be动词呀? 问哈be located between与be surrounded by的区别