Where ___these boxes made?A.was B.were C.is D.am

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/06 02:25:19
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Where ___these boxes made?A.was B.were C.is D.am 用am is are填空 1.Where ____the Jeans?2they___a shirt.3.___these your socks?4.Where_the Jeans? can、find、boxes、some、I、where 怎么连词成句 Where is my pencil-box (改为复数形式)改:where are my pencil-boxes?为什么改为复数形式,原来的is要用are pencil-boxes 为什么要加上 ___these your pens -----Yes,they are .填空 let's ___these things to school(take) gaylord boxes Boxes是什么意思? pencil-boxes 1.Are these the twins pencil-boxes?2.Where is his shose,do you know?句子改错 Where are that two boxes of eggs?对吗 要不要那个that (那是中文翻译那两盒鸡蛋在哪里? Not long ago,an old scientist made some tests with d________ animals to find out which was c________ than other animals.In one test,the old scientist put a monkey in a room where there were many boxes.Some boxes are inside other boxes.One small box h A clever monkeyNot long ago,an old scientist made some tests with d________ animals to find out which was c________ than other animals.In one test,the old scientist put a monkey in a room where there were many boxes.Some boxes are inside other boxes. (Putting) the bottles,boxes and books back where they belong,please.Don't leave them on the desk(Putting)哪里错了呢? ______ shall we do with the waste paper,bottles and boxes?A)How B)What C)Why D)Where we made one stop at the island of cuba,where the sailors c_heave boxes of fruit and food for thepassengers.句中空白处填什么 Choose Tick the boxes match boxes是什么意思?