the professor think ( )the most important to teach students the ways of learningA that B it C this D 不填

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 23:28:02
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The Professor音标?RT 英语翻译“What does the word contemplate mean?”the college student asked his English professor.“Think about it,” the professor answered.“Ugh!” the student groaned.“Can’t you justtell me?” professor Wang,who i __ abroad ,still teaches in the schoolA.think went B.think to have gone C,thought went D.thought had gone选哪个呀 professor the professor think ( )the most important to teach students the ways of learningA that B it C this D 不填 THE PROFESSOR AND THE MADMAN怎么样 ——What do you think of the lecture by Professor Brown?——I like _of what he said.A.more B.manyC.much D.several 1、Is this factory ( )you visited the other day?A、the one B、that2、The professor has written another book,( )of great importantce to computer science.A、which I think it is B、which i think is the doctor and professor is from Shanghai为什么谓语动词是is?还有 I think the 团委陆廷槐 and last lesson is quite different错了OTZ是I think the twelfth and last lesson is quite different Who is the husband of professor Xuyoucai ? 飞天老爷车 THE ABSENT MINDED PROFESSOR怎么样 The professor wrote an e_____ on Homer whereis the professor from?回答是什么? 求文档: I really don't think language belnges to each of us,to a flower seller___to the professor,_I really don't think language belnges to each of us,to a flower seller___to the professor,___? much as;does it Bthe same as;do I far as ;d 英语词汇搭配问题++++++++What do you think of the talk given by Professor Smith last night I think you'd call it a lecture rather than a talk请问这两句话怎么翻译? tpo18综合写作求修改The professor in the lecture totaly refutes the reading passage's methods about save the endangered tree called Torreya axifoha,a type of evergreen tree is going to be extinct.First,the professor does not think reestablish T In the lecture hall___ .A.a professor seats B seats a professor C sits a professor Da professorsits The professor suggests that everyone take part in the discussion.