看看这个雅思作文能得几分?The development of technology changes the way people interact with each other.In which way does it change the types of relationship that people make?Does it have positive or negative effect on the development?Peop

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 19:15:48
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看看这个雅思作文能得几分?The development of technology changes the way people interact with each other.In which way does it change the types of relationship that people make?Does it have positive or negative effect on the development?Peop 这个看看能打几分? 大神帮我看看这个雅思口语话题描述能得几分?大家评价一下这段雅思口语描述要是用在part 2中大概是几分的水平?前提是,考生语音语调不错,表达也算流利....For this topic I’d like to talk about the 麻烦帮我看看这雅思作文你能得几分 19号就考了小作文,剑5 Test2 Task 1Illustrated are two column graphs, showing the two reasons for learning among students of five age groups (under 26-over 49) and the support situation by employ 跪求批改!写了一篇雅思作文,各位大神帮忙看看能得个几分,要是能给些建议就更感激了~!这是题目:Some people say that the gap between the poor and rich is becoming wider. What causes lead to this situation and what m 麻烦帮我改雅思作文帮我看看能得几分啊In some countries,it is now possible for people to buy a wide variety of foods transported from all over the world.To what extent do the benefits of this development outweigh the drawbacks?Through 各位英语大拿给看看这个大作文习作做为雅思G类Task2能够着几分? 帮我改下雅思作文,并看看这篇作文能得几分、、谢谢Old buildings occupy a large space in some long-historical countries.It represents the culture and lifestyle of a nation.Some people support to protect these old buildings in order 帮忙看看我的雅思小作文能得几分啊,剑5 Test2 Task 1Illustrated are two column graphs,showing the two reasons for learning among students of five age groups (under 26-over 49) and the support situation by employers.It shows a moderately 雅思大作文跑题了,烤鸭帮我看看能得几分?问的是越来越多不用文化背景的人和少数民族在一个国家的原因,还有对国家的消极和积极发展.但是我没看懂ethnic 这个单词我先写了一些原因为什 跪求老师帮忙改雅思作文,改改我的语法,结构,还能帮我看看我应该能得几分吗?some people believe that there should be fixed punishments for each type of crime.others,however,argue that the circumstances of an individual crim 六级作文118分,一般雅思作文有几分如题,半年前考的六级,最近要考雅思了,想知道这个程度雅思作文一般能拿几分. 四级水平,雅思作文能拿几分? 帮忙看看雅思作文能拿几分帮忙看下这样的话能拿几分左右?能帮忙修改最好,An issue that has aroused extensive debate today is whether all the new building should be built in tradional styles.In my essay,I will examine two m 英语四级作文跑题能得几分 雅思大作文Report写成议论文能得几分啊比如这回的题目,tourism improve economy,but harm environment,how government ensure the benefits,我完全写成了利弊文体了,agree and disagree了,怎么办啊 这样作文能的雅思几分?帮我看看The different categories pour families in AustraliaThere are a great number of families in poverty in the world,also in the Australia.According to the table,we can know what the difference is between the fam 【雅思作文高手进】帮我看看这篇作文,估下能得几分我是第一次考雅思,这是我摸索着写出来的作文,没什么经验,也肯定会有很多出错的地方,就不要客气指出来,顺便帮我估下能得几分,Today,env