请详细说明原因,我英语差,1.Persuaded that he wanted the facts,we provided him __________ he needed.A.with that B.with which C.with what D.for which2._______with a significant drop in computer and software advertising,the magazine is pursuin

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 23:48:24
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我英语底子非常非常差,怎样提高?请详细说明,我是初二的学生,但是英语非常差。要详细说明怎么做!!!! 请详细的说明原因 请详细说明原因喔 请详细说明原因,我英语差,1.Persuaded that he wanted the facts,we provided him __________ he needed.A.with that B.with which C.with what D.for which2._______with a significant drop in computer and software advertising,the magazine is pursuin 请详细说明原因,我英语差,1.One of its tasks is to get business information and ( ) new business opportunities for its members.A.finding B.to find C.finds D.find2.We are anxious to contact some Indian companies with a view ( ) business relat 请详细说明选A的原因 臭氧属于 1.纯净物2.混合物3.稀有气体请详细说明原因,我就快读初三了,帮个忙 谁帮我解决下面几道英语题,谢拉,尽快1.I only have_a____bread for lunch today.(请说明不选A的原因和为什么选b的理由) A.a bit b.a bit of 2.Would you like____?---,please.(请详细的说明选a的原因) a.drink,Three cof 降落伞是根据什么动物发明的详细地说明原因请详细地说明原因 我英语特别差,求原因 电位移矢量有没有物理含义?请详细说明原因。 解数学方程.请详细说明原因,谢谢! 太空能否做法拉第电磁感应实验请详细说明原因 锌能否与碳酸银反映 请详细说明原因 原子结构和太阳系结构为何相似?请详细说明原因 蒋介石为什么会失败,请把原因详细说明 二氧化锰溶不溶于汽油请详细说明原因 韩非子法制的实质是什么?请详细说明原因.