
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/04 04:20:38
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A.operator+(B) c++运算符重载为何complex operator+(complex &a,complex &b)也对,complex operator+(complex &a)也对 operator friend Point operator +(const Point& a,const Point& b); 我是新手,不懂,越详细越好. She is a keyboard operator变为复数 I'm a keyboard operator.汉语怎莫说? A covert front-line operator.啥意思? 问点C++的问题 这段代码什么意思?struct node{ int a,b; bool operator #includeusing namespace std;class rmb{ public:rmb(double a,double b);rmb operator +(rmb&);//为什么在参数类型后面为(rmb &)rmb& operator ++();//为什么函数用调用函数在前面加&void print(){cout 'operator =' must be a member啥意思#includeclass String{public:String(char *str=NULL);friend void operator=(String&a,String&b);void show();private:char *name;};int main(){return 0;}编译提示:error C2801:'operator =' must be a member 下面哪种情况下,B不能隐式转换为A?A.class B:public A{} B.class A:public B{}C.class B{operator A();} D.class A{A(const B&);} operator=是什么意思啊# include double sum(double a,double b);double subtract(double a,double b);double divide(double a,double b);double multiply(double a,double b);main(){int choice;char operator;double a,b;double (*func)();printf( * * * * * is keyboard operator Tom's father a拼成句子 i am a keyboard operator.i operate keyboard.这么说行吗?看新概念看到的keyboard operator 类定义为什么要这样class point{public:double x,y;point(){};point(double x1,double y1){x=x1;y=y1;}//向量赋值double operator%(const point &a)//叉积{return x*a.y-y*a.x;}double operator*(const point &b)//点积{return x*b.x+y*b.y;}point ope ''operator''是什么意思? operator assist 帮忙做一个英文对话,Student A is a cashier at a supermarket,and Student B is a telephone operator at a company.Make up a dialog to talk about each other's likes and dislikes about their jobs.