做两个英语对话1,A,a computer major,needs help in finding a job.B suggests some tips about how to get a good job.2,A and B are talking about the reasons for the warmer climate .Then discuss the ways to reduce global warming.两分钟以内的

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 13:07:15
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疑问(英语初一)1,Tom's mother has a compute.对Tom's mother 提问.明日交 .2,将THat sounds boring.改为一般疑问句,并做肯定和否定的回答。并对boring提问。 we each have a compute翻译一下 做两个英语对话1,A,a computer major,needs help in finding a job.B suggests some tips about how to get a good job.2,A and B are talking about the reasons for the warmer climate .Then discuss the ways to reduce global warming.两分钟以内的 Every room has a compute with a special screen,almost as big as a cinema screen 用英语写对话以下是四个情景,请随机选择两个来做一组对话,尽量长一点1)Two people looking through books in a bookstore2)Two people waiting in line to buy ice cream3)Two people alone in an elevator4)Two people waiting 英语对话--A:Thank you B: 英语 谢 补全对话(A 以make a good impression 做个英语对话?对好印象做个对话.不用太长,能说个40、50妙就行 Please write a Java program,compute the GreatestCommonDivisor求JAVA程序 请帮忙修改一篇英语作文!Many people are intrested in the compute games,however,some people addict themselves to the compute game.If they don`t control themselves well,not only will it waste time,but also harm eyes a lot .It is well worth th 以心目中的英雄为话题,A:.B:.的形式,做一个4分钟的英语两人对话! 单独使用Compute子句时,它位于Where子句之后 对吗?对于Compute的说法,错误的是(___). A. 单独使用Compute子句时,它位于Where子句之后 B. 使用Compute...By...子句时,必须要先使用Order By排序要分组的列 做一个英语对话Dialogue Interpreting:At a Ttavel AgencyParticipants:1Mr.A,the manager of China Island Travel Agency2Mr.B,a foreign tourist3InterpreterLocation:At the China Island Travel AgencyContent:Mr.B wants to find out the itinerary provide 求C语言,矩阵乘法程序 具体要求在下面(英语)Complete a program to compute matrix multiplication.Assume the size of the matrices are less than 10 by 10.No use of global variables 下面2句话如何分析?英语句子结构 I (主语)compute(谓语) wrong(副词)但这句话好像缺少了宾语.Can you drive a little faster 这句为什么没有宾语也是正确的 求英语新目标九年级上册Unit1 1a、1b 对话 2012人教版本七年级英语上册预备篇Starter unit2 1a对话 七年级英语人教版上册第九单元A部分1b对话快!