Did we have to wait for Tom?Well,he'd have been very angry if we ___(not wait )for him.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 19:24:55
Did we have to wait for Tom?Well,he'd have been very angry if we ___(not wait )for him. Did we have to wait for Tom Well ,_________very angry if we hadn’t waited for him–Did we have to wait for Tom –Well ,_________very angry if we hadn’t waited for him .(2)( )A.he’d have beenB.he wereC.he had beenD.he must be.. how long have you had to wait请问这句话换成:how long did you have to wait行吗? I am afraid we have to wait wait for another two hours.翻译 we have to wait because the man (have) a meeting填什么is having行吗 原因? We have to wait a long time to get our passports,______________? All we have to do is to wait怎样分主谓宾吖 We have to go now.They ( )(wait)for us at the bus stop括号里填wait的什么形式 ——I'm not sure if she will go with us.——If she___,we'll have to wait foA.is B.does C.will D.did they have to wait for another bus A so do we B so have we 选哪个 We /ll have to wait for ahother 15 minutes什么意义 There goes the bus,we still have to wait for the next one.翻译 We have already tried the wait-and-see approach to our problems译中 译Then i have to suggest that we wait until the prices are steady . 有关情态动词虚拟语气等——You didn't wait for Mr.Black last night,did you?——No,but we_.He didn't return home at all.A.couldn't have B.needn't haveC.didn't need to D.should have wait说出选项并讲的详细一些,我就是不太 Lucy is out ,so we ( ) wait for her A have B have to C has D has to After a long wait,the letter we have been looking forward( ) A.to came B.to coming C.to come did you have to