Is the personhood such why difficult?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 03:23:42
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Is the personhood such why difficult? The personhood is really difficult and I despised villain 这句话是啥意思,谁来翻译一下 Honest personhood,practical work,work hard,enjoy the life! su hai is ()classmate.she has a ()().her name is su yang.they look the()su hai is()than su yang su yang is twenty ()()than su hai hi,Su Hai.()is Su Yang?()here.She is cldaning the windows Su Yang is b____ at the long jump t____ Su Yang.(根据首字母填空) Su Hai is sweeping the floor.(对is sweeping the floor 提问)_____ is Su Hai ______? boy,su yang,is,that,who,tree,the,under? 根据上下文按首字母填空:Su Hai and Su Yang are twin s___ .Su Hai is as o___ as Su Yang.They arein the same class and they l___ the same.Su Yang is t___ than SuHai .They are good at r___ and j___ .But Su Yang is b___ at the long jump than The man in black is Su Hai’s uncle.改成一般疑问句!The man in black is Su Hai’s uncle.改成一般疑问句怎么改啊?是Is the man in black Su Hai’s uncle?文盲哭了... Today is M____.Su Hai and Su Yang are on d____ onMondays.They need to go to school earlier 下面接and clean the classroom.Su Yang usully g____ up at six o' clock,she's ten minutes e____ than Su Hai.They go to school together.Su Hai is t____ than Su Su Hai is telling her twin sister about the running race on the phone. su hai is telling her twin sister about the running face on the phone the girl on the red bicycle is su.变一般疑问句怎么变 英语翻译The tendency to ignore the Negro's contribution to American life and to strip him of his personhood,is as old as the earliest history hooks and as contemporary as the morning's newspaper.To upset this cultural homicide,the Negro must rise Su Yang:裙子is this 改为一般疑问句 Su Hai and Su Yang live in a new house.Tom is cleaning the classroom.She often washes the clothes. Sui Hai and Su Yang are twin sisters.Thay are in the same class and they l___ the same.Su Yang is b____ at the long jump than Su Hai.补充完整