your fierce .可能有点语法错误.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/02 16:35:12
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your fierce .可能有点语法错误. Is your English fierce?的中文翻译. 这个句子中包含的语法it's much bad for people to laugh at your mistakes than to be angry个人理解..可能是前段有点语法的..那个have a good laugh at sth 是语法吗原句是:you can always have a good laugh at the mistake you without your help,这两个选项有点迷糊~请把考的语法点列下来 Each other better not each other,knowing each other better语法可能有点错误,我想知道大概意思. 这句话语法结构正确吗?It is society that the competition is more and more fierce. 刚刚接触语法,有点不懂.像:Are these your books 中,为什么要用Are?什么刚刚接触语法,有点不懂.像:Are these your books 中,为什么要用Are?什么时候用is,什么时候用的am? Is your english teacher这句话语法错没错 I Am...Sasha Fierce I fierce hacker stealer 英语翻译有的地方 可能写错了 然后语法也可能有点问题 麻烦帮忙在改正下 然后翻译 鞠躬!some people say that money is the best thing in the word.But I consider reading books as the best,and the most precious thing one 可能有点看不清楚求 一道题(可能有点难). 如下图,可能有点不清楚. after your washing语法对吗 名词从句和定语从句 动名词?有点乱~无意中看到一个朋友的签名you happy is my dream无疑 这句话肯定是错的`~但是 先不管表达如何 只从语法角度来说~是Your being happy is my dream.My dream is your being hap 英语语法与中文语法有点相似? My future is in your every day.这句话可以怎么翻译 尽量往深的那方向走.可能语法有错误?但是也请翻译下.