1.Playing the computer games too much,(be)bad for us. 2.Nothing but grass and trees,(cover)the hill. 跪求啊~~~

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 08:40:39
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o___go to the comput Club. playing the playing the 改写句子 急用 he sometimes waits after lunch1.he sometimes waits after lunch2.she plays volleyball with her friend3.he goes to the zoo on saturday4.Lucy reads newspaper after breakfast5.this is a girl 6.I like playing basketball7.We have comput Computer people talk a lot about the need for other people to become comput 1.Procedures are in place to ensure that all information used in the exporting and clearing of cargo is legible,complete,accurate,and protected against the introduction of erroneous information.Documentation controls include controls regarding comput Most likely causes:The problem report for this solution has been deleted or changed on this comput Look!The boys and girls_____over there.1.play games2.playing games3.are playing games4.plays game 1.look!the boys are playing().2.i like playing basketball().填空best.swimming.football.skating playing the game 歌词 Playing in the street level the playing playing the soccer加不加the 英语句子中动词什么时候加s,es这几个句子哪个对?1.The student is playing ball2.The student are playing ball3.The students is playing ball4.The students are playing ball有没有什么定义? Windows failed to start. A Recent hardware or software change might be the cause. To fix the problem: 1. Insert your windows installation disc and restart your computer.2. Choose your langugae settings, and then click next3. Click repair your comput They ()football in the playground.a:playing.b:am playing.c:are playing.d:is playing. she is playing the piano.playing the piano划线提问 he is playing the piano 对playing the piano提问