英语选择1道,请分析原因 I have the same opinion as you__ one's private lifeI have the same opinion as you ___ one's private life should be kept secret.A.that B.which C.whether D.where

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 07:34:49
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英语选择1道,请分析原因 I have the same opinion as you__ one's private lifeI have the same opinion as you ___ one's private life should be kept secret.A.that B.which C.whether D.where 七下英语选择题请分析选择原因 两道英语选择,请说明一下原因,越详细越好,1.Lin tao,could you___em this book please?Sorry,but I____it for only half an hour.I have't finished itA.lend;have had B.lend;have bought答案为什么是A(have had)呢?2.Make some sentences, 请分析它所包括的语法和解析拜托了选择:You have made great progress in French,haven't you?【 】,and【 】A So i have,so have youBso have i,so you have Cso have i,so have youDso i have,so you have 请帮忙分析下句子成分和选择答案的原因,希望能详细点I really don't know _______A.I should do nextB.what I should I do nextC.what I should do nextD.how I should do next 请帮忙分析下句子成分和选择答案的原因,希望能详细点I really don't know _______A.I should do nextB.what I should I do nextC.what I should do nextD.how I should do next 英语这句话有一处错误,请指出并改错,说明原因I have good something to tell you这句话有一处错误,请指出并改错,说明原因 改错1 Class(A) Three like(B) to play ball game?(C)2.How(A) do(B) he have(C) sports?3.I(A) can go(B) swim(C).请知道正确答案的帮忙选择,并说出原因, I would ask Jim to lend me the money if I_him.a.knew b.had knownc.have konwnd.know选择哪一个?请详细说明下原因, I have given you ten picture books,and __are English novels.为什么选择D,请解释原因,A.other B.the other C.another D.the rest Although I failed four times,my father encouraged me to have a ___try1 second 2 third 3 fourth 4 fifth请分析原因 英语脑筋急转弯I can run but I can never stand.I have a mouth but I never talk.I have a bed but I never lie.What I am?请说明原因。 初三英语奥赛题 (情态动词部分)请各位把选择正确答案的原因附上,1.What happened to the young trees we planted -The trees ____ well,but I didn't water them.A minght B needn't have grown C would grow D would have grown2.Nancy __ 请问这个英语题怎么答:How long have you__the camera?A.bought B.had请给我分析下,就是不太懂原因 无机化学与分析 标准电极电势选择 第19题 请写明原因 英语小小问题I _______(lost) two bags this year.How careless I am!请问是用一般过去式还是现在完成时?请分析下原因 英语单项选择,请给解析,I'll spend what I have ________ you a new coat.A.buying B.bought c .to buy D.buy 英语选择 -I have a book.-( )A.so do I B.so have I-I have a book.-( )A.so do I B.so have I