希望杯的一个问题if the ratio of the degree of exterior angle of∠A,∠B and ∠C.that are in the triangle ABC is 5:4:3,then the ratio of the degree of ∠A,∠B and ∠C is( ).(A)5:4:3 (B)3:4:5 (C)1:2:3 (D)3:2:1当x≠-5/b时

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 07:44:40
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希望杯的一个问题if the ratio of the degree of exterior angle of∠A,∠B and ∠C.that are in the triangle ABC is 5:4:3,then the ratio of the degree of ∠A,∠B and ∠C is( ).(A)5:4:3 (B)3:4:5 (C)1:2:3 (D)3:2:1当x≠-5/b时 希望杯的一道题If one side of a triangle is 2 times of another side and it has the largest possible area,then the ratio of its three sides is ( )A、 B、 C、 D、 (英汉小词典:possible 可能的;area面积;ratio比率、比值) the ratio between A and the ratio test 比率检定 , 英语翻译If the Debt ratio is less than 0.5,most of the company's assets are financed through equity.If the Debt ratio is greater than 0.5,most of the company's assets are financed through debt.A Company with a high debt ratio (highly leveraged) c The weights of two boys are in the ratio 5:4.If the weight of the thinner boy is 48 kg ,what is theweight of the other? 英文的数学题the ratio of blue marbles to green marbled in a bag is 2 to 5 .there are 25 green marbles how many marbles in which color would you have to add to make the ratio请回答该问题.并且解释为何要这样算 请问A与B的比,怎么用英语表达?The ratio of A to B.The ratio of A and B.这两句都可以吗? 小问一下ratio和proportion的区别啊!the ratio of teachers and students is very high和the proportion of meat to bones in a fowl可以ratio和proportion互换吗? 英语翻译the masses of three student are in the ratio 4:5:8,if their combined mass is 204kg,find the mass of the heaviest student, acid test ratio ,gearing ratio 的意思?formula? 翻译Find the ratio of the following Taking the ratio to the next 求货币乘数If the public wishes to hold no currency,and the ratio of reserves to deposits is 0.10,then the money multiplier is 什么是平均阻尼系数the mean damping ratio 是平均阻尼系数的意思吗? 1.The weight of a cylinder varies as the square of the diameter when the height is constant,it also varies as the height if the diameter remains constant.Two cylinders have their oheights is the ratio 49:72.Find the ratio of their diameter if the wei 英语翻译an alloy consists of nickel and copper in the ratio of 4:7.if the alloy weighs 3.14kg,how much of each metal was uesd? 1.音乐:《小星星变奏曲》是( )作的.《献给爱丽丝》是( )作的.《平均律钢琴曲》是( )作的.2.The weights of two boys are in the ratio 5:4.If the weight of the thinner boy is 48kg,what is the weight of the other