并帮我分析一下其他的选项为什么错3 ali said that she wouldn't mind _——alone at homeA left B being left C to be left D leaving4 why have they delayed ___the new schoolA opening B to open C having opened D to have opened

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 05:22:25
xT]OA+&%DOh`dIA ok[!F U/ffv;3`Dyޝ{k ,^t[4%_]wde(1>V܋r(Q GBay 5ߍV]>/!x#I6䓾J^78PHXN6l=qmH/E["@RxdgCr@34;b@z8 N8x`]ny橯j&oPX_0Uz;;I[Ră"Vt+\o-~.R:YOZEM޷[f! RR8dH܏?(eIްI{Lv$I2{qv@ZEc VdmT<i#3SStCI 4_h](h 壛hd݊>*="3z\[~!1+Rbcѕ!lZ3? J~J t4O;%f&k OqwODY-W}` 0xX\a $4)[ig$#4U fM4`_쩕 Eزϼ!Ma,Z=f3aS?}dT dG0BKx̉Ē"$߆S _2E@/G\6.>I_>D;?ѻ Ƒ=]̅~ h9~9G7;2ʕN['&F,B/d
并帮我分析一下其他的选项为什么错5 ____the meeting himself gave them a great deal of encouragementA the president will attend B the president to attend C the president attended D the president‘s attending. 分析一下其他选项错的原因 并帮我分析一下其他的选项为什么错3 ali said that she wouldn't mind _——alone at homeA left B being left C to be left D leaving4 why have they delayed ___the new schoolA opening B to open C having opened D to have opened 并帮我分析一下其他的选项为什么错Henry always forgets things he has done.yesterday he forgot ___and looked for it everywhereA to post the letter B to have the letter posted C to have posted the letter D having posted the letter 并帮我分析一下其他的选项为什么错1 l would appreciate———back this afeternoonA you to call B you call C your calling Dyou're calling2 the grass has grown so tall that it needs ___A to cut B to be cut it C cutting D being cut 给出具体的解释,并分析其他选项为何错. 帮我分析一下ACD三个选项错在哪里! 单选,并分析选出最佳选项,并说明分析一下原因:完成单选,讲一下第二题怎么排除其他选项的呢: 请分析一下解题思路并说明其他几个选项错在哪里 帮分析一道选择题 thanksmany people find it hard to make a living with prices going up rapidly ( )the years.A across B over C around 帮我结合其他选项分析一下 为什么 九年级物理,光是第2题,为什么选B,谁会,给我解答一下,并给我说一下其他选项为什么不对,错在哪儿了,谢谢了! 下面一题C为什么错,还有其他选项分析一下 例题1 并帮我分析一下 可以帮我分析一下各个选项吗 请帮我分析存在的离子 并解释D选项 这道题为什么选A啊 其他选项为什么正确啊 请逐个帮我分析下 帮我看一看这三道题我做得对不对.不对是为什么,其他的选项错在哪了呢? 每个答案都帮我分析一下,大哥大姐别怕麻烦,帮我分析的越透彻越好.据说答案是C,说说每个选项为什么做,为什么对。