Sonia has a _sports_ collection.(对划线部分提问)

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/05 18:12:49
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Sonia has a _sports_ collection.(对划线部分提问) sonia hall has a sports collection意思 Sonia has a bag 改为否定句 Sonia has a sport collection【改为一般疑问句】 Sonia has a bag?(改成否定句) Sonia _________ a sports collection.A.has B.have C.having have Sonia Hall has a sports collection.为什么要加s为什么Sports要加,collection为什么不加请说详细点。 Sonia has five baseballs对“ five baseballs”进行提问. ____ _____ _______does Sonia have? Susan has five apples.sonia has three apples.(合并为一句) sonia has()()than Susan 一道英语初一句型转换题~thank you!Sonia has a sports collection.(对话线部分提问)_____ _____ _____ Sonia_____? Tim doesn't has any color pens Sonia like meat and eggs a lot Her sister notebook is on the deskThey like comedys very much.这些哪里有错Tim doesn't has any color pens Sonia like meat and eggs a lot Her sister notebook is on the desk They like c sonia hall has a sports collection.she has five baseballs,eight basketballs,four tennis racket,andthree soccer balls.she play s sports everyday!帮我用中文注谐音 have,Sonia,watch,does,a连词成句 Sonia has three vollyballs?(改为一般疑问句)____Sonia____three vollyballs?No,____ ____. Sonia has five baseballs.(对five baseballs进行提问)_____ _____Sonia _____? only has daughter Jones Mrs one plays in afternoon the basketball Sonia 连词成句 Sonia has fivebaseballs 对five baseballs提问What does have?does前面三个空 Susan has five apples.Sonia has three apples 合并为一句这个句子怎么合并成一句啊