
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/06 08:35:40
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A:(),sir?B:Yes,B-E-N,Ben A:Excuse me,sir.B:_______?A.How B.Yes C.OK D.Who 【英语】—Good morning.Room Reservations.May I help you,sir?—Good morning.Room Reservations.May I help you,sir?—Yes ,I'd like to book a room.—_______ Which date would that be?A.Thank you,sir.B.That's all right,sir.C.You are welcome,sir.D.N ---Shall we play football --- .A.Yes ,sir B.Good idea C.Me ,too Waiter!______ What's in the soup?A fly!A.Yes,sir?B.What?C.All right?D.Pardon? -Are you ready to order,sir?ye -Yes,A Do you have any specias today?B Table for two excuse me ,sir do you have the time A.Yes,piease B.Half past twelve C.NO problem .Shall we play football?__________ 后面填什么 A .Yes,sir.B Good idea.C Me,too. 单选:A:Waiter!B:( ) A:What's in the soup?A fly!A.Yes,sir?B.What?c.All right?D.Pardon? A:Can you横线 it 横线填什么下文 B:YES,O R A N G E A:Good-afternoon,Sir.Can I help you?B:GooA:Good-afternoon,Sir.Can I help you?B:Good afternoon.I'd like to check out these books if I may.A:Yes,of course .Here,I'll take them.May I see your library card?B:Yes .Here it is.A:O.K.,Sir.Here you are.All ri yes,sir. yes sir! -Are you ready to order,sir?-Yes.A Do you have any special today?B Talbe for two选B为什么 A:Oh,it's a bit ___ .But I will buy it.Here is the money.B:Thank you.Oh,wait a ____,sir.A:yes? 情景会话,根据所给情景用适当的句子补全对话A:_______,sir?B:yes,please,I want some T-shirts.A:_______,sir?B:I'd like two.One for my son and one for my daughter.A:_______,sir?B:A red one and a black one.A:What about thes yes,sir!have a good dream! yes sir,one of a kind