可以用which help is needed吗?比如说internet let us know which help is needed.我们答案是where help is needed.我想知道用which有没有语法上的错误?是一道卷子上,我突然想到的

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 08:28:49
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可以用which help is needed吗?比如说internet let us know which help is needed.我们答案是where help is needed.我想知道用which有没有语法上的错误?是一道卷子上,我突然想到的 Mr Wang is the person___can help you with your English为什么用who 可以 ,which 却不可以到底有什么区别呢? The Red Cross in that area is the only area of which the purpose is to help the sick and the needy.前面有了only 定语从句后面可以用which what i need is a book which can help which room is yours?可以改成 which your room is? Which animal is the best runner?可以用what代替which 为什么? she has many books,only one of which is interesting可以用them代替which吗 she has many books,only one pf which is interesting可以用them代替which吗 Which country is Venice in?In which country were the 2006 Wrold Cup help? Which of the following is not talked inthe passage as which can help people communicate? It is...which的问题?It is the truth which everything in the world has its theoratical basis .这里可以用which吗?这是什么从句?which做什么成分什么时候It is后是which而不是that? Is everything________we need to_______?Yes.You needn't worry about it.A.which;has done B.which;doingC.that;has done D.that;done为什么这题选择D?A或者C哪里错了?题目应该改为:Is everything________we need to do _______?Yes.You nee I wonder when she was herewhen 还可以相等于which加什么?2,The problem is ( )we should do ( )him.a,what,to help b,that,and help c,how ,to help d,why,and help(b,c,d不选的原因,麻烦详细些) This is the plane on which he went to Shanghai on business.怎么用on which用where 可以吗 The girl (that/which) we saw yesterday is his sister.限定性定义从句可以用which代替that吗 英语翻译A:请问附近有银行吗?B:有,距这里10公里远,你必须坐公共汽车去.A:我乘哪班车呢?B:乘XX路车,它直接到那里.A:Excuse me ,Is there a bank nearby?B:Yes,there is one.______.________.A:Which bus do I need?B:You nee 请问He is exactly the man (which) such an education was likely to form .which在从句中做什么成分为什么可以用which which又为什么可以省略 还可以用那些 引导词来引导 which of the folloeing is NOT talked in the passage as which can help us communicate?怎么翻译?