一个英语问题:Mike had got a very bad cold and coughed day and night.day and night 等于哪个选项?A.all the day B.all day C.all day long D.all the time 选择哪一个呢?还有各选项之间的区别是什么?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 11:43:10
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一个英语问题:Mike had got a very bad cold and coughed day and night.day and night 等于哪个选项?A.all the day B.all day C.all day long D.all the time 选择哪一个呢?还有各选项之间的区别是什么? 英语单项选择方面的问题I __ more information i needed ,but my computer broke down.A.had got B.need have got C.might have got D.must have got为什么选C而不选D 英语的综合填空.(急)Mike got in the bus tu ga town.It was very crowded and he had to s___ for about five minutes.After some of the passengers go o___ ,he sat down next to a fat lady,She had several shopping bags and Mike did not have much 一个英语问题,同义句转换Mike is crossing the road now.同义句转换Mike is______ _______ the road now. 一个英语问题,请求帮助中文:大家都到齐了,除了mike英文:everyone【 】here,except mike填空应该是什么啊?用at行吗? 问一个很白痴的英语问题.Mike’s and Bob’s mother Mike and Bob’smother- - 分别啥么意思 一个简单的英语选择题目(急~~Did you catch the train yesterday?No.It_______when I________to the station.A.left;got B.had left;got C.left;had got D.was left;was getting并解释一下原因,谢谢! 一个英语问题,关于only修饰状语第一道题 it was only when i got home late in the evening that ___ what had happened to my brother A.i knew B.i had known C.did i know D.had i known 这个是成都还是绵阳的二诊题,答案是选 急解一道英语改错题Mike called his wife to tell him that he had got two film tickets.He asked her to go and meet him outside the theatre.Mike'swife is very glad because they hadn'tseen a film for quite long time.She met her husband in the ent 关于英语一般过去时和过去完成时的问题我看到一个例句是这样的:He got well-prepared for the job interview,for he couldn't risk losing the good opportunity.为什么不是He had got.可以用完成时的形式表达吗?为 关于英语过去时的问题在一个过去时句子中,所有的动词都要变成过去时吗?He had sent the letter last Monday.He had finished the work five days before.这些句子都对吗?是how did the Greens got to the zoo yesterday?还是 英语作业;回答问题where is Mike froom? _______________________________ he had got into the car.中的got into是不是一个短语. soon as he had got into the car这句中had的发音这句中,had我听不清,它发什么音呢?这是新概念英语第二册,14课中的一个句了.请邦我一下. have got = had Mike played football this afternoon but he got his leg.A.to break B.breaking C.brokenD.had broken(翻译一下,并解释原因) jim卖了一个录音机给Mike.英语怎么说? 英语问题:Never had he had any experience like that.这个倒装句,第二个had为什么用had?前面已经有了一个had了,应该用原形have吧?