请解析一个词组She always said that it was because of her children that she went on with hr work-- and in doing so.请问and in doing so

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/17 12:04:07
请解析一个词组She always said that it was because of her children that she went on with hr work-- and in doing so.请问and in doing so always的近义词()一个单词而不是词组 always doing new things用一个词或词组替换 请 翻译She always felt inferior to her older sister. Jack is always the last one ------to shool. A.to get B.get C.getting D.gets 请讲解一下.Jack is always the last one ------to shool.A.to get B.get C.getting D.gets我记得好像有一个词组,但想不起来了.请讲解一下词组和为什 Linda always wrote noveis _____,so she had to live in a room alone应该填什么 可以是词组 always的近义词组 请翻译:She still did the things she had always done. she always()something whenever she()a was studing plays b studied played选什么请解释 请解析成语请解析以下成语:明辨是非、为虎作伥、纵横驰骋、相形见绌、鞠躬尽瘁、披星戴月、中流砥柱、穷兵黩武、风驰电掣请解析以下词组:诤友、濒临、濒危、驰骋、骋怀、鞭笞、 she always wins .she's_______. does.she.always.comehere She()(be)always busy 英语翻译请帮我解析下,这句中有什么词组,然后把意思标出来! ( )she a man,she might be elected president.A.IfB.UnlessC.WasD.Were请附上解析 often,she,goes,on,shopping,Sunday请帮忙连词组句 She is always the first _____(get) to school.请说明原因谢谢 she always 后面接什么动词,动词后要加es吗?请举例说明谢谢