have you written down his telephone number这句话语法正确吗

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 15:07:10
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Have you ___ written to your parentsneveryetaireadyever You have never written anything for Have you read the article written by that young teacher为什么是written不是was written? Here is my new number .Have you written them down?还是Have you written it down? Have you read any books ____ by LuXunA writing B wrote C written D being written Have you written a letter in English?怎么翻译好 写出理由The number of the hot line is 08322850160.Have you( A.written it downB.written down itC.written them downD.written down them would have written?29.Who do you think would___the letter of congratulations to the teacher?A.have written B.have wroteC.have to write D.have writes答案给的A,would have written, if you can,ask some others to go throuth< >you have written. 填词 Who would you rather ____ an article for the wall newspaper?A.had written B.have written C.have write D.have to write Whom would you rather ( )the article for youA.have writtenB.have writeC.have writingD.to have written Who would you rather ----- the report for youA.have to B.have written C.have writing D.have write have you written the composition?Yes,I【 】(write)it yesterday. 九年级英语首字母填空Have you written that letter?I will do so i_____,sir ask some others to go through what you have written .翻译 have you written down his telephone number这句话语法正确吗 I am a happy to see such a sweet sentence you have written. Have you read the article written by that young teacher?怎么翻译