This cellphone is a lemon 为什么是翻译成“这手机真次”呢?有什么意思没?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/06 16:41:56
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This cellphone is a lemon 为什么是翻译成“这手机真次”呢?有什么意思没? This picture shows a cellphone on a pair of hands.The cellphone is commented not the original edition.That means many people steal others technolege and produce products not the original edition.They sell those cellphone at low price in market ,so th cellphone This kind of cellphone is very popular,it is in great ____in the cityA quality B progress C production D demand This type of cellphone ___(make ) in Shenzhen.为什么? I brought this htc cellphone in china.I want to use an American phone card,but my phone is locked.What should I do.I don't want to buy a new cell phone.and school is about to start.please be quick Who can be my girlfriend?I am expecting……Don't translate it to answer this question.actually it is not a question.if you are a girl,I am looking forward to have your qq NO or your cellphone nomberI am sincerely to make a girlfriend I don't like this kind of cellphone.Will you show me ( A、other B、the other C、another D、others ---Could I use your cellphone to make a call?---Sorry.it____in the office.A is chargingB has chargedC is being chargedD has been chargedcharge 及物吗? This.tape.of.cellphone._(were.was) in.shenThis.tape.of.cellphone._(were.was) in.shengzhen A:Dad,you see,a cellphone is so useful nowadays.B:Absolutely.That’s a good point.请问怎么翻译 That’s a good point. 英语帝进,Cellphone is a kind of popular _________.A.communicateB.communicatesC.communicationD.communications是C和D中的哪一个?为什么选这个而不是另外一个? Kitty's cellphone is the same size as mine同义句Kitty's cellphone is__ __ __mine___size Leave the cellphone as it is.It belongs to _____.A.Tom's B.its owner C.its owner's D.mine Tom found a cellphone in the desk 改成被动语态 I am not have a cellphone.这句话对吗? Is this a book? Yes,this is. This is a man提问( ) is this?