15days at sight翻译下

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 18:00:09
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15days at sight翻译下 At 90 Days After Sight For Full Ivoice Value再给翻译下 DRAFTS AT 15 DAYS AFTER SIGHT FOR FULL INVOICE COST翻译一下喽 商业发票翻译by LC at 90days after sight for 100 percent of invoice value 翻译 love at first sight 信用证42C:DRAFTS AT SIGHT汇票上填:DRAFTS AT 30 DAYS AFTER SIGHT 请翻译下“ Terms of payment:%100 Irrevocable L/C at sight” Payment: by 100% irrevocable L/C at sight opened 求翻译Payment: by 100% irrevocable L/C at sight opened by a 1 st class bank agreeable by the Seller that must be opened 15 days prior to the 1 st date of laycan for each shipment. 我英语水平半 英语翻译Confirmed,Irrevocable Letter of Credit payable by draft at sight to be opened 30 days before the time of shipment.用翻译软件的,请不要回复 英语翻译payment for beneficiary under this credit should be made on an at sight basis upon presentation of specific documents for the invoice amount due regardless of banker's usance 180days after sight不是想要单词翻译, 请问 付款方面,20% L/C AT SIGHT,75% D/P AT SIGHT 怎么翻译, draft at在信用证里面是什么意思?请翻译:draft at AT 30 DAYS AFTER SHIPMENT DATE FOR 80PCT OF INVOICE VALUE,AT SIGHT FOR 20PCT OF INVOICE VALUE at 30 days after sight 与 at one month after date 的区别是什么? 请分析下下面的句子 Who ever loved that loved not at first sight?不是翻译,是分析 D/P at 90 days after sight 和D/A at 90 days after sight 有何区别,各有何风险? 英语翻译irrevocable confirmed L/C payable at sight Despatched within 45 days of receiving LC open 大哥大姐~D/P AT 30 DAYS AFTER SIGHT和D/A AT 30 DAYS AFTER SIGHT有何区别?各有什么风险?D/P AT 30 DAYS AFTER SIGHT和D/A AT 30 DAYS AFTER SIGHT有何区别?各有什么风险? DRAFTS AT 90 DAYS AFTER SIGHT 指见票后90天.见什么票?