free of any oil,grease and scale and scratch depth shall not exceed 0.1.具体是什么含义,scale指什么开头是:surface area indicated shall be .,是一个机加工钢零件的表面要求.清洗后一般不会有油污.应该是指划伤一类

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 20:34:20
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mineral-oil-free是什么意思 mineral-oil-free是什么意思 oil-free color control cream free oil的中文意思? 翻译一句话:he is free from any kind of disease know any free porn free of any oil,grease and scale and scratch depth shall not exceed 0.1.具体是什么含义,scale指什么开头是:surface area indicated shall be .,是一个机加工钢零件的表面要求.清洗后一般不会有油污.应该是指划伤一类 your free samples of 3 bottles of 1litre oil怎么翻译是1升分3瓶装还是3瓶,每瓶装1升 The Purchase Order Commodities shall be free of any liens.是什么意思啊? We once thought of water and air as free.They're not,not any more than the land is free.这句话我看不懂了:They're not,not any more than the land is free. 英语翻译All payments made must be free and clear of costs,claims,fees or deduction of any kind however arising. lily is my cousin. when she was a child, she was very 36and couldn’t do any exercise. she was often ill (生病的). one day, she was ill in hospital again. she took a lot of 37 but she didn’t get any better. the doctor said that there was a grea Have foreign friend is willing to free teach English?私信我吧,时刻在.Any foreign friends who are willing to teach me English free of charge? oil oil 英语翻译引文作者提到是勃朗宁的情书,英文诗歌是在是翻译不来,希望能帮我找一下对应的中文翻译,原文:...would I,if I could,supplant one of any of the affections that I know to have taken root in you - that grea Upon Upon delivery,Seller will issue a statement certifying that the Purchase order commodities are free of any liens 英语翻译We can supply; Diesel Oil,Crude Oil,Unleaded Premium,Kerosene,Jet A-1,LPG and all any other Oil products.We can supply in small shipment of 25.000 MT because we have this type of small tank ship.Our minimum shipment supply to our customer