the young students like Dickens' and Mark Twain's novels very much

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/05 11:05:52
Among the students were the young girl at the time.错哪里了 all,all,are,students,proud,the,the,young,of,girl.连词组句 The new uniforms are fun,and they make the students ______(look) young. ______ of the students are Young Pioneers.A.All B.Any C.They D.Them To study in the USA is many young students' d-----.首字母填空 the young students like Dickens' and Mark Twain's novels very much 英语题 知识点1.The students in our school live in the a() near the teaching building.2.I hope I can take a r() to the moon and the Mars some day.3.The old man lives in the house a() ,but she doesn't feel l().4.The baby is too young to d() hims 对括号部分提问?The young lady often flies (to New York.)The students play basketball (in the afternoon ) On Sundays the young students like to go to the b___ to buy some books useful for them. The young teacher wants to open up her students' eyes _ the outside world.介词什么添to啊 翻译the book The Care and Keeping of Friends by American wreter Sally Seamans tells young students as young students you have many dreams The students must l----carefully in class L后写什么 She is young and beautiful.帮忙翻译还有一句:All the students in our class like him. Some of these students are children,__students are young people.A.all B.the others C.both D.other l went you to sit there,the young man said with a hand on her shoulder. There are l___ for students here .The students have many things in them.按照所给字母l填词 We can read books in the l(填空) of the Chinese students