英语翻译In this view,what is most important about banks is that they create safe claims which,precisely because of their safety and immunity from adverse-selectionproblems,are useful as a transactions medium.在该观点中,银行最重要的作

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英语翻译是in view 英语翻译In my view this statement is too extreme and the two are not mutually exclusive Some people are in favor of this point of view. 英语翻译原句是这样的In view of continued efforts and recent results,in this paper we describe progress in attempting to address the low ductility of this materials,after 2006.关键是“In view of continued efforts and recent results”这 what's mean of this sentence?All relevant indicators support this view in an impressive way. 英语翻译A farmer who lived in a small village had a bad pain in the chest.This never seemed to get any better.The farmer decided that he would go to see a doctor in the nearest town.But as he was a miserlly person,he thought he would find out wha 英语翻译In this book we are interested primarily in culture as it is experienced bythose living in new cultural communities.Hall’s view of culture as asystem of shared meaning and expectations fits well with the way thatexpatriates describe the 英语翻译The objective of this Review is to introduce biological andphysical scientists to the concept of bipolar electrochemistrywith a view toward expanding its scope in new and interestingdirections.This is a worthwhile goal,because the broadad 英语翻译The Worksheet tab includes theoretical graphic information that reflects settings in the Details View.Fatigue Strength Factor (Kf )This is the fatigue strength reduction factor.The stress-life or strain-life curve(s) are adjusted by this 英语翻译This review attempts to highlight the most significant aspects of PVC stabilisation by organotin compounds and to present a critical view of some of the work already published in this area.The review largely,but not exclusively,covcrs the 英语翻译American reporter Nicholas Daniloff was freed today in Moscow.He flew into Frankfurt,West Germany this afternoon and spoke with reporters gathered at the airport.It's wonderful to be back in the West.I think it's obvious to everybody wha 英语翻译Their view is that the risk in traditional investments is more risky than ever with minimum upside,which in comparison,makes this investment look more attractive with its potentially very high upside 英语翻译in intimate families in which the siblings are close,a low-risk BM donation for a transplant with a good likelihood of success would be considered a duty under this view all-in-view 是什么意思 in my view中view是什么意思? This file in your language is not yet available.View the English version. 英语翻译you know I will give you everything I believe my love to you now is filling in the air I see I will give you everything this moment we're together it's like a dream come true will you give your life I want to have it all if you listen wha 英语翻译这个句子是这样的:“When we see ourselves in this biggerperspective — call it the ET point of view,the God point of view — a shift takes place in your perception and you start to think quite differently.”