Computer is very useful.这个句子哪里有错

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 03:16:04
can use a computer very well翻译. 同义句改写 I use the computer to write computer programsI use the computer is( )( )write computer programs Playing computer games is very _____(excite) 拜拜忙,Computers are very __ (use) to us and they __________(use) widely1.Computers are very __ (use) to us and they __________(use) widely .2.Her mother is an _____________(education) worker.3.Is he writing a new computer _________(instructionsus is it good for students to use computer? the computer is _____(use) by us everyday? this computer is very expensive 改为同义句the this computer is very The computer is very nice.(改为感叹句) ------ -----the computer----!------ ----- ----- computer! There is no need____the computer.A.use B.using use D.used原因? computer are very popular now ,but not ___can use it为什么是everybody而不是anybody? use your computer是什么意思 The computer is very useful.(改为感叹句)_____ _____ the computer is! The computer is very important to us The computer is _____ ______ _____ to us The computer is very usefui(保持愿意) The computer is ____great_____.wu 英语作文-网络对我们现在生活的影响不要Can you use a computer? Can you surf the Internet?I believe that your answer is yes!'.Now ,most of us can use a computer to surf the Internet.In fact,it's very important for us , we all know tha The computer is very nice(改为感叹句) 英语句子感叹句怎么改 the computer is very nice The computer is very nice.(改为感叹句)