英语翻译Private Sub Text1_KeyUp(KeyCode As Integer,Shift As Integer)Static i As IntegerIf KeyCode = 13 ThenIf (Text1.Text) = "abcd" ThenLabel2.Caption = "你已成功进入"ElseIf i < 3 Theni = i + 1MsgBox "口令错!请重新输入"Text1.SetFocu

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/19 06:23:20
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Private Sub Text1_Click() If Text1.Text = 请输入 Then Text1.Text = End Sub这条语句的作用是什么Private Sub Text1_Click()If Text1.Text = 请输入 Then Text1.Text = End Sub 请教下面VB 代码的意思 Private Sub Command1_Click() If Combo1.Text And Combo2.Text And C private sub score_lostfocus( ) x=val(score.text) if x100 then beepscore.text=score.setfocuselsetotal=xend if end sub 英语翻译控制标签移动private sub timer1_timer()if label1.left 英语翻译Private Sub Command20_Click()If Text49.Text = 1 ThenText22.Text = Val(Label14.Caption) + 1End IfIf Text49.Text = 2 ThenText22.Text = Val(Label14.Caption) + 3End IfLabel14.Caption = Text22.TextDim X,Y As IntegerX = Label14.CaptionY = Label 英语翻译Private Sub Combo1_Click()Text1.SetFocusOption1.Value = TrueText1.Locked = FalseEnd Sub vb编程:单词分解怎么编?Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim s As String,a() As String,i As Integer s = Text1.Text Call aword(s,a) List1.AddItem p End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() Text1.Text = List1.Clear Text1.SetFocus End Sub Private Sub 英语翻译Private Sub cmdOK_Click()Dim SQL As StringDim rs As ADODB.RecordsetIf Trim(UserName.Text) = Then MsgBox 请输入用户名称!,vbOKOnly + vbExclamation,警告Exit SubUserName.SetFocusElseSQL = select * from UserInfo where UserID=' Command1.Caption是什么意思Private Sub Form_Load() Text1.Text = 0 Text2.Text = 0 Text3.Text = 0 Command1.Caption = 计算 End Sub其中的command1.caption 是什么意思啊 菜鸟请教高手 说详细点 1段加法运算程序Private Sub Command1_Click()Text1.Text = str$(Val(Text2.Text) + Val(Text3.Text))教程上是这么写的,但是我有点想不明白..这样写不也一样么?Private Sub Command1_Click()Text1.Text = (Val(Text2.Text) + Val(Text3 Private Sub 与 Sub的区别 Private Sub Command1_Click() A = Val(Text1.Text):B = Val(Text2.Text) For M = A To B M = M + 1 NextPrivate Sub Command1_Click()A = Val(Text1.Text):B = Val(Text2.Text)For M = A To BM = M + 1Next MLabel1 = MEnd Sub当A为1,B为2时,运行出来为什么 还是不明白哪里出错了,可以帮我看看吗?Private Sub Command1_Click()Dim strsql As StringIf Text1.Text ThenAdodc1.Recordset.CloseIf Val(Text1.Text) > 0 Thenstrsql = select * from name where name=' & Trim(Text1.Text) & 'End IfAdodc1 VB奇数求和Private Sub Command1_Click()vl = Val(Text1.Text)vj = Val(Text2.Text)If vl < vj Then Exit SubFor i = 1 To vl Step 2sumi = sumi + iIf sumi >= vj ThenExit ForEnd IfNext iText3.Text = iText4.Text = sumiEnd SubPrivate Sub Form_Load()Me.Capti Private Sub Command1_Click()Dim g As Doublea = Abs(Text1.Text)b = Abs(Text2.Text)c = Abs(Text3.Text)e = a * c / bIf e 0 Theng = Abs(e - 2 * b)Text4.Text = gElseMsgBox 参数有误!End IfEnd Sub如何解决我打入字母或其它符号时,弹出 英语翻译我要全部翻译出来 ' Check for normal characters.Private Sub Form_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)txtDisplay_KeyPress KeyAsciiEnd Sub' Check for unusual characters.Private Sub Form_KeyUp(KeyCode As Integer,Shift As Integer)txtDisplay_K vb 计算90°角正弦结果为 .893996663600558程序是这样,Private Sub Command1_Click()Dim a As Singlea = CSng(Text1.Text)MsgBox 计算结果为: & Sin(a)End Sub 英语翻译Private Sub Text1_KeyUp(KeyCode As Integer,Shift As Integer)Static i As IntegerIf KeyCode = 13 ThenIf (Text1.Text) = abcd ThenLabel2.Caption = 你已成功进入ElseIf i < 3 Theni = i + 1MsgBox 口令错!请重新输入Text1.SetFocu