
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 13:02:39
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“I”后面可以用“is”么 It is going to rain.不是说后面有名词,to可以不用么?如I want money. 比较级中she is taller than i 是不是than i am的缩写?是不是she is taller than i (am)= she is taller than me 主格后面的am、is等等都可以省略么? that make it possible for me to go anywhere I want to这就话中it后面为什么不加is?for可以用to替换吗?anywhere后面可以价格what吗?最后一个to后面为什么没有go? I would remember his words.为什么I 的后面是可以接 would为什么不用should 不是经常用在 I 后面的么 What time is it?What time is it?后面的is it可以连读吗?是不是读成【i zi t】 I think it interesting to study English,it后面可以不用is吗? i love places where the weather is always warm请问places不是复数么,后面为什么用is 什么时候主语是复数时后面可以用is each of us后面用is(has)么?none of us后面have,(has),are(is)都可以用么? I think it is sure可以这么用么? When you feel that the world outside is so splendid,I will be here wishing you well with all my heart.when后面的that可以省去么? I’m后面要不要加is It is I who am to blame.为什么who 后面用am 不用 is? Although he is over 90,he continues very healthy.这题continue后面怎么可以用形容词healthy啊?动词后面不是加副词的么 is后面可以加过去分词吗 and i found your article a great encouragement to me.为什么article后面的be动词is可以省略? to 后面加宾格么can you bring these things to me 为什么用me 用I 不可以么?急.